The intricate, wrought iron gate of the Memorial Quadrangle features the Yale motto Lux et Veritas and coat of arms

2023 Conference Agenda

Thursday, February 2, 2023 

1:00pm to 7:00pm

Panel I - Feedback System in the Tropics

Format: Hybrid
Location: Watson Center, Room A53


Grizelle González 
International Institute of Tropical Forestry
US Forest Service

Deborah Lawrence 
Professor of Environmental Sciences
University of Virginia;
Chief Scientist, Calyx Global

Simon Lewis 
Professor of Global Change Science,
University of Leeds &
University College London

Yadvinder Malhi 
Professor of Ecosystem Science,
University of Oxford;
Senior Research Fellow, Oriel College


Paulo Brando 
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Carbon Capture, Yale School of the Environment

Poster Session

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd floor

View poster presentations here

Breakout Session No.1

Format: In-person only
Location: Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, Room 160

Practicing what one is preaching: An ELTI (Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative) Alumnus’ Strategy of Proliferating Rainforestation (Native Tree Forest Restoration) in Negros Island, Philippines

Guiraldo C. Fernandez Jr. (Visayas State University)

Building Partnerships for Forest Restoration Panel

Format: Hybrid
Location: Sage Hall, Bowers Auditorium


Laura Toro 
Postdoctoral Fellow Yale Applied Science Synthesis Program


Kerry Cesareo — Senior Vice President – Forests, WWF

Gamma Galudra — Director, RECOFTC Indonesia

Ivone Namikawa — Forest Sustainability Senior Consultant, Klabin

Sara Price — Sustainability Manager, Sappi


Lyndall Bull — Forestry Officer, Sustainable Forest Products
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

The Forests School & Yale ISTF Conversation Tables + Reception

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd floor

Friday, February 3, 2023

9:00am to 8:00pm

Opening Plenary: Introductory Remarks and Keynote Addresses

Format: Hybrid
Location: Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium


Emma Grover — Conference Co-chair, MESc Candidate

Angela Xue — Conference Co-chair, MEM Candidate

Liza Comita — Professor of Tropical Forest Ecology

Keynote Speakers

Juliette Biao Koudenoukpo 

Director of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat

Influential Women leadership in Forestry: Lessons learned in view of promoting Sustainable Forest Management through the UNFF

Pablo Pacheco

Global Forests Lead Scientist at World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The fate of the tropical forests in an interconnected world

Innovation Prize Presentations

Format: Hybrid
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd floor

Innovation Prize Finalists

ProEco Azuero 

Sandra Vásquez de Zambrano, Executive Director

Rainforest Biodiversity of Phalee

Rinchui Raman, Representative

Panel II - Forest Dependent Livelihoods: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations

Format: Hybrid
Location: Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium


Andrea Azevedo

Director of Programs and Projects,
JBS Fund for the Amazon

Agni (Intu) Boedhihartono

Associate Professor of Tropical Landscapes and Livelihoods,
The University of British Columbia

Brendan Fisher

Gund Fellow & Professor, University of Vermont
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources


Eva Garen

Program Director
Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative (ELTI)

Poster Session

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd floor

View poster presentations here

Keynote Breakout Sessions

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, Room 321

Keynote discussion group with Juliette Biao
Thokozile Changufu MF ‘22, moderator

Location: Kroon G01

Keynote discussion group with Pablo Pacheco
Ryan Smith MF ‘22, moderator

Breakout Session No.2

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, Room 321

A closed-loop conservation strategy to advance the protection of critically at-risk biomes in the Amazon Rainforest
Jeff C. Carlson and Joshua Ortiz-Guzman

Location: Kroon Hall, Room 319

An assessment of life within the African tropics: The case of AFR100
Mamadou Diakhite and Teko Nhlapo
(African Union Development Agency – NEPAD)

Location: Kroon Hall, Room G01

Cities4Forests Partner Forest Workshop
Scott Francisco and Sarah Jane Wilson
(Pilot Projects and Conservation International)

TGIF (Thank Goodness I’m a Forester): The Forestry Club * Yale ISTF

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd floor

Food & drinks provided

Saturday, February 4, 2023

9:00am to 3:30pm

Panel III - Sustainable Development and Tropical Forests

Format: Hybrid
Location: Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium 


Milagre Nuvunga

Executive Director, MICAIA Foundation

Andika Putraditama

Head of Rimba Collective, Lestari Capital

Fabíola Zerbini

Director of Forestry, Land Use and Agriculture,
World Resources Institute (WRI)


Gary Dunning

Executive Director, The Forest School;
Executive Director, The Forests Dialogue

Poster Session

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, 3rd Floor

View poster presentations here

Breakout Session No. 3

Format: In-person only
Location: Kroon Hall, Room G01

Community-based perspectives on the interaction between expanding agricultural frontiers and the conservation of tropical forests
Sheila Ward, Nicholas Brokaw, and Gamma Galudra (ISTF Global and RECOFTC)

Location: Kroon Hall, Room 319

Fantastic restoration monitoring tools and where to find them
Melaina Dyck and Darby Levin (Climate Focus)

Location: Kroon Hall, Room 321

Harnessing the power of nature: Three (Conservation International) guides to restoring forests at scale
Sarah Jane Wilson (University of Michigan)

Closing Plenary & Announcing Innovation Prize Award

Format: Hybrid
Location: Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium

* Innovation Prize Award Presentation

* Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks

Mark Ashton

Senior Associate Dean of The Forest School;
Morris K. Jesup Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology;
Director of Yale Forests